How to Add Border to Image in Android?
Adding a border to an image in an Android app is a common requirement in many cases, such as when you want to highlight an image or add a decorative effect. Here are the steps that you can follow to add a border to an image in your Android app:
1. First, add an ImageView widget to your layout XML file and set the image that you want to add a border to by specifying its src attribute.
2. To create a border around the image, you can use a shape drawable. You can create a new drawable XML file in the res/drawable directory and define a shape element in it. Here is a sample code for a border with a red color:
In the above code, the `
3. Once you have created the shape drawable, set it as the background of the ImageView widget by using the android:background attribute. Here is an example code:
In the above code, the `@drawable/my_border` attribute sets the shape drawable as the background of the ImageView widget.
By following these steps, you can easily add a border to an image in your Android app.
Video Tutorial:How to add frame to image in android?
How to set border on image view in android?
To set a border on an ImageView in Android, you can follow the below steps:
Step 1: Create a new XML drawable file to define the border. You can use a shape drawable with a stroke attribute to define the border. For example:
Step 2: Add the above drawable as a background of the ImageView in the XML layout file. For example:
Step 3: If you want to set the border programmatically, you can get the ImageView using findViewById() and set the background like this:
ImageView imageView = findViewById(;
Drawable border = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.border);
These steps will allow you to add a border to an ImageView in Android.
How do you put a border on a picture?
To put a border on a picture, follow these steps:
1. Open the image you want to add the border to. You can use an image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or Canva for this purpose.
2. Choose the border tool from the software or application toolbar.
3. Select the color, width, and style of the border you want to add to your image.
4. Apply the border tool to the image and adjust the position and size of the border if necessary.
5. Save the image with the new border.
In addition, some software and applications may have slightly different steps and options on how to add borders to images. Therefore, please refer to the specific software’s instruction manual or online resources for more detailed guidance.
How do you create a border line on Android?
To create a border line on Android, you can follow the steps below:
1. Use XML drawable: You can create a drawable resource file in XML format with the shape "rectangle" and set the desired border color, radius, and width. Then you can use this drawable as a background of any view.
2. Programmatic approach: You can also create a border for a view programmatically by setting the appropriate border properties on the view’s background drawable object.
Here’s an example of creating a border using XML drawable:
1. Create a new XML file called "border.xml" in your drawable resource folder.
2. Add the following XML code to the file:
3. This code will create a rectangle shape with a red (#FF0000) border that is 2dp wide, with rounded corners of 10dp. The padding property adds some space between the edge of the view and the border.
4. To use this drawable as the background of a view, add the following line to your view’s XML layout:
5. This will set the view’s background to the "border.xml" drawable we created earlier.
Alternatively, you can create a border for a view programmatically by setting its background drawable object in your Java/Kotlin code. Here’s an example:
View myView = findViewById(; // get a reference to your view
GradientDrawable border = new GradientDrawable();
border.setColor(0xFFFFFFFF); // white background
border.setStroke(2, 0xFF000000); // black border with width 2
This code will create a new GradientDrawable object with a white background and black border, with a border width of 2 pixels and a corner radius of 10 pixels. Then it sets this drawable as the background of your view.
How do I add a frame to a picture on my Samsung?
To add a frame to a picture on your Samsung device, you can follow the below steps:
1. Open the Gallery app or the Photos app on your Samsung device.
2. Select the picture that you want to add a frame to.
3. Tap on the ‘Edit’ button or the ‘Pencil’ icon on the screen.
4. Various editing options will appear. Tap on the ‘Frames’ option.
5. Select the frame you want to use from the list of available options. You can scroll through the list to see more options.
6. Adjust the frame by dragging it to fit the picture if required.
7. Tap on ‘Save’ or ‘Save as copy’ once you are satisfied with the changes.
Alternatively, you can also download a photo editing app from the Google Play Store, like Canva or Pixlr, which has more customizations options for adding frames to your pictures.
How do I frame a picture on my Samsung phone?
Framing a picture on a Samsung phone can add an extra layer of professionalism to your photos. Here are the steps to frame a picture on your Samsung phone:
1. Open the Samsung Camera app on your phone.
2. Switch to the mode you want to take a picture from by swiping left or right.
3. Hold your phone steady, and tap on the subject that you want to frame.
4. A blue box will appear around the subject, and you can move the box to adjust the frame.
5. Once you have positioned the frame, take the picture by pressing the capture button.
6. After taking the picture, open the Gallery app on your Samsung phone.
7. Select the picture you want to frame.
8. Tap the "Edit" button, which looks like a pencil.
9. Select the "Frames" option, which will be on the left side of the screen.
10. Choose the frame you want to use by swiping left or right.
11. Adjust the position of the frame by dragging it with your finger.
12. Once you are happy with the frame, tap the save button to apply the changes.
By following these simple steps, you can easily frame any picture on your Samsung phone and add a professional touch to your photos.
How do I manually add a border to an image?
Adding borders to images is an excellent way to enhance the visual appeal of your images. Here are the steps to manually add a border to an image:
1. Open the image you wish to add a border to in an image editing software like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.
2. Click on the "Edit" menu item in the software and select the "Stroke" or "Border" option.
3. Choose the size of the border you want to add. You can enter a value in pixels or use the slider to adjust the size to your liking.
4. Select the color you want for the border. You can choose a color from a color picker or enter a hexadecimal value if you want a specific color.
5. Finally, click the "OK" or "Apply" button to apply the border to the image.
Your image should now have a border that you can save and use anywhere you need it.